Youth are in the centre of everything we do at 1st Sailors Bay Sea Scouts. It is also a principle of the World Scout Youth Programme Policy and Scouts Australia Youth Program Policy.
Scouting in Australia provides one developmental program, inclusive of ages 5 to 25 years.
To make sure the program suits each developmental stage of the child, adolescent and young adult, Scouts Australia structures it into one continuous journey over five age sections.
Throughout the journey, Scouts experience the program working as a member of a small team or Patrol, as a member of a larger Unit (made up of a number of Scouts in the same age section) and as an individual.
At 1st Sailors Bay we cover three of the sections and cater for youth ages 8 to 18, through Cubs, Scouts and Venturers.

Joey Scouts is the first age section of Scouts, and it is for children aged 5 to 7 years. The program challenges Joey Scouts to discover all kinds of new adventures. Ideally, Joey Scouts progress to Cub Scouts after their eighth birthday.
1st Sailors Bay does not currently have a Joey Scouts section, however please check one of our neighbouring groups through the Sydney North Region website, if you’re interested in joining Joeys.

Cub Scouts is the second age section of Scouts, and it is for children aged 8 to 10 years. Cub Scouts create their own paths, finding adventure in not only the activity but also the challenge of leading the way. Ideally, Cub Scouts progress to Scouts after their 11th birthday.
At 1st Sailors Bay Sea Scouts we are fortunate to have two Cub Units, the Griffin Cub Unit (who meet on Tuesdays), and the Phoenix Cub Unit (who meet on Wednesdays).

Scouts is the third age section of Scouts, and it is for adolescents aged 11 to 14 years. Scouts work as a Patrol to explore the great unknown. Every experience involves a new challenge, and Scouts support each other on the way. Ideally, Scouts progress to Venturer Scouts before their 15th birthday.
At 1st Sailors Bay Sea Scouts we are fortunate to have two Scout Units, the Shark Scout Unit (who meet on Thursdays), and the Flying Fish Scout Unit (who meet on Fridays).

Venturer Scouts is the fourth age section of Scouts, and it is for adolescents aged 15 to 17 years. Venturer Scouts are challenged to look wide – to seek opportunities for adventures they may not have thought possible. Ideally, Venturer Scouts progress to Rover Scouts after turning 18. However, Venturer Scouts who turn 18 during Year 12 can wait to progress to Rover Scouts until they complete Year 12.

Rover Scouts is the fifth age section of Scouts, and it is for young adults aged 18 to 25 years. Rover Scouts realise the Purpose of Scouting – becoming well-rounded individuals who go beyond the horizon to help create a better world. Rover Scouts will complete the program no later than their 26th birthday.
1st Sailors Bay does not currently have a Rover Scouts section, however please check one of our neighbouring groups through the Sydney North Region website, if you’re interested in joining Rovers.