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SPICES – Areas of Development

Taken directly from the Purpose of Scouting, the areas of social, physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual make up the fundamental basis of a person’s character, making six areas in total. This concept is called SPICES. It is about fostering personal growth in all the key components of development.

Social development

One’s relationships with others and understanding differences between people in small groups of peers, as well as issues of diversity and inclusion in larger communities.

Physical development

One’s understanding of their body, including active care for health, wellbeing and the pursuit of physical skills and fitness.

Intellectual development

One’s ability to think, plan, innovate, review and be creative, applying information, knowledge and skills in new and different circumstances.

Character development

One’s pursuit of their personal best. It includes positivity, responsibility, respect and making an effort beyond what benefits the self.

Emotional development

One’s understanding of emotions. It includes awareness, expressing emotions in a positive manner, as well as respecting and supporting the emotional needs of others.

Spiritual development

One’s development of their beliefs regarding their purpose in life, connection to others and place in the world around them, while respecting the spiritual choices of others.