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Operoo is a platform that provides parents/guardians with a simple way to sign forms and safely share emergency and medical data with Scouts.

Scouts NSW wanted to make it easier for Leaders and families to participate in Scouting, spending less time on administration and more time on fun activities. Operoo does this by giving Scout Groups the opportunity to use the tool to replace paper-based permission forms (E1s).

Operoo is centred on an Electronic Health Form (EHF) which carers (e.g. parents) create and maintain securely – something which can only be done by the profile owner.

This EHF can be generated for a youth member (18). If it is for a youth member, it is created and consented to by a parent/primary carer, for adults it is the individual who provides consent for sharing a profile or attending an activity.
Once a member joins Scouts using the online membership application, their details are synced with Operoo and an email will be sent via Operoo asking for the parent/carer to complete the profile for the new member. Parents should provide as much information as possible, to ensure Scout Leaders are fully aware of any medical conditions or issues which may impede participation, or require adjustments to be made to a program.

More information can be found here.