Cubs8-11 yrs
Cubs is the second Section of Scouts for boys and girls aged 8-11. It focuses on exploring the outdoors and living an active lifestyle in a safe environment.
Cub Scouts have a lot of fun doing a lot of interesting things! They are introduced to traditional Scouting skills such as tying knots and using a map and compass, and take part in outdoor adventures such as camping, rock climbing, abseiling, bushwalking, sailing, flying, canoeing, and billy-karting!
Cub Scouts also learn valuable life skills such as leadership and taking responsibility for themselves. They are taught the value of citizenship and how to give back to their communities.
Each Cub Scout collects special badges to demonstrate their skills and achievements and has the opportunity to achieve their Peak Award – the Grey Wolf Award before moving onto the Scout section.

Cub Scouts create the path by:
- Developing their sense of place
- Exploring the world around them
- Encountering new experiences
- Expanding perspectives
- Determining their own adventures
- Building upon friendships
In the program, Cub Scouts:
- set their own challenges
- lead some activities on their own
- give back to their local community
- become more confident in outdoor skills
- assist in the running of their Unit Council
- form long-term Patrols
- develop resilience when faced with challenges
- talk about what is important to them
At 1st Sailors Bay Sea Scouts we are fortunate to have two Cub Units, the Griffin Cub Unit, and the Phoenix Cub Unit.

Meeting Dates and Times
Our Cubs meet from 6-8pm during Spring/Summer (Terms 1 & 4) and 6.30-8.30pm during Autumn/Winter (Terms 2 & 3). Cubs also occasionally meet at other locations and times for special activities. There is usually at least one camping opportunity and one extra weekend activity each term. Meeting dates and locations are outlined in a term program which is set by the Cub Unit Council.
Griffin Cubs meet on Tuesday evenings
Phoenix Cubs meet on Wednesday evenings

Youth Led, Adult Supported
Each Cub Unit is led by Adult Leaders who guide the Cubs in their physical, intellectual, social, emotional and character development. In our Cub Units, leaders have names taken from characters in The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling – a book that was traditionally drawn upon to illustrate the many aspects of Scouting, including adventure, challenge, fun and inclusiveness, as well as a moral code.

The Patrol System
Our Cub Units consist of around 29 boys and girls who are broken into patrols (small teams of Cubs who work together to develop skills). One of the first badges a Cub puts on their uniform is the colour patch of their patrol. In each patrol there is a Patrol Leader (a bit like a House Captain at school), and an Assistant Patrol Leader (a bit like a House Vice-Captain). The four Patrols are led by a Unit Leader (a bit like the School Captain).
The Unit Leader, Patrol Leader and Assistant Patrol Leaders are members of the Unit Council, who meet regularly (at least once a term), to create a program that is adventurous, fun, challenging and inclusive, helping to plan and review activities, discussing the award scheme needs of members, and solving problems together.

The Cub Program
Cub Scout activities are planned by the Unit Council once a term, using the Plan > Do > Review method and the Challenge Areas of Personal Growth, Outdoors, Creative and Community. This aids in the development of great programs and a shared responsibility for the running of activities and for providing opportunities for learning. Cub Programs are planned by Cubs and developed by Adult Leaders, with youth members involvement. Activites might include:
- Short camping trips (normally one per term)
- Canoeing and water activities (terms 1 & 4)
- Hiking, biking, rock-climbing and other weekend activities (usually one per term)
- Visiting unique and unusual places (museums, observatory, fire station, council chambers)
- Games and sporting activities
- Practical skills such as first aid, cooking, setting up camp, tying knots
- Outdoor skills such as orienteering, learning to read maps and use a compass
- District and Region activities such as Founders Day and Sirius Cup
New Chums
New Chums (children new to Cub Scouts) are given the opportunity to trial our program prior to becoming invested (being sworn in as a Cub Scout). Investiture normally takes place 6 weeks after a new chum has first attended a unit meeting or activity, and once an Adult Leader is satisfied that the new chum is ready to be invested. Parents are invited to attend this important occasion.
In order to be invested, a Cub Scout should:
- have an understanding of the history of Scouting and why it is special
- know a little about the award scheme including personal progression
- understand some of the symbols and traditions of Scouting
- show a knowledge, understanding and acceptance of the Cub Scout Promise and Law
- know and understand the salute, demonstrate the Scout sign and left handshake
- be ready with a Cub Scout Shirt (link to Uniform)
There is a checklist here to help you keep on top of this.
At the investiture, new chums will be presented with the group scarf and a white woggle, a 1st Sailors Bay cap as well as badges to put on their shirt including the World Scout badge, Australian Scout Flag badge, Region badge, Group badge, Unit badge and Patrol badge. A badge placement diagram can be found here to help you know where to sew your badges.